Early On

Cheboygan, Otsego, and Presque Isle Counties 

Every parent looks forward to their baby's first smile, first words, first steps and other first milestones.  If you are worried that your child "seems behind" compared to other children of the same age, it might be time to contact Early On.  

Having a developmental delay means it takes a child a little longer to learn basic skills. Some of the areas include:

  • Self-help skills (feeding and dressing)
  • Cognitive skills (thinking, learning, and reasoning abilities)
  • Communication skills (talking, listening, understanding)
  • Physical development (vision, hearing, movement, health)
  • Social-emotional development (feelings, getting along with others, relationships)

Complete the online referral form, we meet with your child and family, we learn about your child and establish a plan, your service coordinator ensures the right services are delivered.


Support. Empower. Thrive.

Start a Referral Here


Early On Michigan offers early intervention support and services for children and their families birth to age 3 with developmental delay(s), medical/health issues and/or disabilities. Parents are their child’s first and most important teacher. Children learn best through their everyday experiences with the people they love and trust. 

  • Research has shown that by addressing delays early on - especially between birth and age 3 - children have better outcomes, even into adulthood. What happens at this age matters for brain growth and development. 
  • Services are typically provided in the child’s home at NO COST to families.
  • Early On is voluntary program that is family-centered, routine based, and visits are scheduled at a time that is convenient for the family. 
  • Under Early On, a family could access hearing and speech services, physical therapy, family support, special education, and other services that may be helpful to the development of a child. 
  • Children are eligible if they show a qualifying developmental delay or have an identified health condition that might lead to delay.  
  • If your child is eligible, you may enroll with Early On and together a family-centered "Individualized Family Service Plan" will be created.
  • To maximize support for children and families, Early On often partners with other local agencies to expand resources available.

If you are unsure about what is typical development for your child, there are a few places that you can find helpful information.

Fun Brain Fact!

According to #FirstThingsFirst, at birth, the average baby's brain is about a quarter of the size of the average adult brain. Incredibly, it doubles in size the first ear. It keeps growing to about 80% of adult size by age 3 and 90% - nearly full grown - by age 5.

We Are Looking For Parent Representatives for our Local Interagency Coordinating Council (LICC)

Family and professional partnerships are at the center of an effective early intervention system. The Cheboygan, Otsego, and Presque Isle Counties Local Interagency Coordinating Council meets 4 times a year with other families, agencies and organizations about things that are happening in our communities for children 0 to 5 years of age. Meeting are 2-3 hours in length, take place in Indian River and lunch is provided. Please consider joining our council!

Apply Here

The Great Start to Quality allows you to search for quality licensed programs in Michigan, for children 0-12, by location. You will also find other resources that may be of interest to you and your family at The Great Start to Quality


If you are concerned about a child in your care who is not developing as they should, or might have a medical condition that could affect his or her development, call the Northeast Resource Center at (877) 614-7328 . Check out our quick reference guide for next steps.

Early On Michigan logo

Contact Us

Rachael Main, Early On Coordinator

Brooke Pierson, Early On Service Provider

Cheboygan- Otsego- Presque Isle Educational Service District
6065 Learning Lane
Indian River, MI   49749
Phone: (231) 238-9394     Fax: (231) 238-8551