COP-Wide Professional Development Day 2024
The Audacity to Believe and The What & Why of AI

We had over 500 teachers and staff in attendance at the E-Free Church in Gaylord for our Regional Professional Development Day. The first half of of our day was spent listening to and learning from Michael Bonner, a renowned leader and innovator. He shaped the core message of our PD day, leaving everyone inspired and motivated. His belief in the power of authentic connections as the foundation for success resonated deeply, as he shared practical strategies to foster genuine relationships with students and colleagues, build positive school cultures, and develop strong, cohesive teams. Mr. Bonner challenged educators to reflect on their practices, strategize effectively, and create systems that enhance classroom and school-wide efficiency, all while encouraging personal growth. His approach equipped attendees with actionable tools to foster meaningful connections and make a lasting impact within their schools.
The second part of the day Michigan Virtual brought valuable insights on integrating AI in our everyday lives and how it impacts us across sectors like education, focusing on both "Teaching with AI" and "Teaching about AI." They demonstrated how AI can enhance teacher support, improve student learning experiences, and streamline school operations. They emphasized the importance of approaching AI with caution, with a focus on ethical considerations, data privacy, and the need for thoughtful implementation. This balanced approach equipped teachers with tools for using AI for enhancing teaching and learning while maintaining focus on student success and safety.
Many thanks to our hosts and the team at the E-Free Church as well as to our own Director of Instructional Services, Debbie Putnam, for their efforts in making the day a success. Thank you to our Teachers and staff, to our Superintendents and Principals, to our Presenters and to the COPESD Administrative Staff. We can't wait to see what next year has in store!