Our Interviews With OPTIMISE

A few of our COP staff members were interviewed recently by the OPTIMISE Task Force this month with the goal being to help "Attract, Prepare and Retain" staff in the area of special education. Those being interviewed included Speech & Language Pathologist (SLP) Katy Szymoniak, Early Childhood Consultant Rebecca Hicks, Autism Spectrum Disorder Consultant Beth Hinkson and School Psychologist Danny McAlister.
(Pictured: COPESD School Psychologist, Danny McAlister)
(Pictured: COPESD Speech and Language Pathologist, Katy Szymoniak)
(Pictured: COPESD Early Childhood Consultant, Rebecca Hicks)
(Pictured: COPESD Superintendent, Jamie Huber)
OPTIMISE has collaborated with professional organizations, educational associations, universities, legislative offices, and the governor's office, to network, gather and analyze data and identify strengths, challenges and opportunities. This work has led to recommendations on how Michigan can effectively attract, prepare, and retain a qualified and diverse workforce pipeline.
Partners voices and differing perspectives from rural, urban, and suburban areas has been key to a collective voice and helping us build momentum.
To Learn More about OPTIMISE Check out Their Website Linked Here.